
Genesys Cloud CX ®

While GC has its own feature rich interaction recording solution there are use cases where customers cannot keep their recordings within a cloud environment.
IAP allows interactions which have been recorded within the Genesys Cloud to be kept locally.
IAP makes the interactions available in a near production ready state.

Genesys Engage Premise/Cloud®

Whether you use the Genesys Media Lifetime Management (MLM) tool for Premise or Recording Cloud Backup Service (RCBS) the archived information is almost identical
IAP interprets the metadata, builds it database and allows users to search, play and download any of the available interaction
Regions Restrict/Allow users to search for interactions within their own region, or across multiple regions.
Access Groups Access groups make up the base of any Line of Business. You can assign multiple access groups to users, or allow them to view interactions from any access group

Genesys PureConnect®

Export PureConnect interactions to any location. Search and play. Download and play voice and screen recordings via any destination.

Migrating between platforms

Migrating from one platform to another can have its challenges.
Ensuring you still have access to historic interaction recordings is essential.
Forward planning needs to be undertaken to ensure all interactions are gathered from the legacy platform before access ceases. Interaction Solutions can assist in the planning, deployment and execution of the archive task. Of course, once you have all the interactions saved to your local storage you will need a way to search through what could possibly be millions of records.
As the interactions are archived, IAP can process the metadata and populate its tables allowing for search and play functionality.

Supported Migration Paths

  • PureConnect
  • Engage Premise
  • Engage Cloud


Data Sovereignty

Data sovereignty is the idea that data are subject to the laws and governance structures within the nation it is collected. The concept of data sovereignty is closely linked with data security, cloud computing and technological sovereignty. (Wikipedia)
IAP is capable of creating a connection to a Genesys Cloud environment to download your interactions to a local storage location of your choice. The destination can be local or in your own cloud environment.

Division Separation

Organizations with one or more 'Divisions' can enforce separation at the interaction level.
By assigning a Division to a user, they will only be able to search,view, play and download interactions for their particular Division.

Agent Segment playback

Interaction recordings contain all the events which occurred during the lifecycle of an Interaction. This may include an IVR segment, Queueing, Ringing etc. before the Agent begins a conversation with the customer.
IAP allows users to search and play the 'Agent Segment' of voice interactions.
Users can be allocated either 'All' or 'Agent' within their assigned profile in IAP. Setting to 'All' allows the user to hear the total recording while a user with an 'Agent' setting will hear the conversation from
when the agent began to interact with the customer.

Search/Sort interactions using the following search criteria:

Utilize multiple search criteria

  • Agent name
  • Caller Number
  • Call duration (from – to)
  • CallId
  • Play encrypted calls
  • Agent ID number
  • Dialled number
  • Date and time (from – to)
  • Sort by Access Group
  • CallUUID
  • Group interactions by value.

    Once a date range has been selected and the interactions are displayed in the UI, users can use a drop down to select a further display criteria.
    Available options include
    • Access Groups - View by access groups. Associated with the agent who handled the call
    • Agent Id - Group all interaction by Agent Id
    • ANI - Group all interactions by ANI
    • Call Type - Group all interactions by calltype i.e. Inbound, Outbound, Consult etc.
    • Contact Id - Group all interactions by customer Contact Id from attached data
    • DNIS - Group all interactions by DNIS
    • Region - For multi region deployments. Group by Region
    • Virtual Queue - Group by the Virtual Queue which handled the interaction
    Each group can be collapsed.

    Business Unit/Line of Business Extraction Module

    QM Module - Engage Premise/Cloud

    The extraction module allows customers to organize their archived interactions into specific business units.

    Simply create new business units, then assign your appropriate Access Groups via drag and drop.
    The file sizes are calculated as they are assigned to indicate the combined file sizes which will be required when the Business Unit is exported.
    Business Units then become the respository for an individual segment of an organization.

    Choose your media export type
    When creating the export a user may select whether to export as .mp3 or .wav

    Line of Business analytics extract

    Utilizing the Business Units module a subset of interactions can be exported.
  • Select the required Business Unit/LOB
  • Select a Date Range
  • Choose selection Criteria : A random set of {x} calls or a percentage
  • Select destination : Local storage or Cloud storage
  • Process ....
  • The output is sorted by :
  • Business Unit/Line of Business
  • Year
  • Month
  • Day
  • Encrypted calls will be unencrypted before export.
    Requires 'Export' privileges

    IAP Features

    Some of the many features offered by IAP

    • Search/Play/Export archived interactions.
    • Play encrypted interactions.
    • Create notation for each interaction
    • Regional separation More Details
    • Attached Data Search More Details
    • Play Screen Recordings.
    • Single Sign-on with Active Directory (with JIT)


    Genesys MultiCloud® interactions can be segmented by region.
    Especially for multi site customers this becomes vital to allow segmentation of interactions where they require each region to only have access to their own recordings.
    Each region may also require their own specific encryption file.
    IAP offers a setable option, at the user level, where each user can be limited to their own specific region, or alternatively, allow them to view interactions for all regions.

    Attached Data Search

    Genesys MultiCloud® CX interactions can contain attached data in the form of key/value pairs. This information can contain various pieces of important information such as :
    • Customer Contact ID
    • Account Number
    • Product Types
    • Business Result
    • Various pieces of queueing information
    • Etc...
    • IAP allows users to search by these key/value pairs. The returned result will contain all interactions which match the criteria, within the selected date/time range.

    Flexable Data Retention Rules

    Multiple levels of data retention can be configured utilizing the following heirachy
    • Region - For multi region deployments each region can have its own retention plan.
    • Virtual Queue - Each Virtual queue can have its own retention plan.
    • Business Units - Each Business Unit, which has been assigned various access groups can have its own retention plan
    • Access Groups - Each individual access group can have its own specific retention plan.

    It is possible to set a Region to retain all interactions for a specific time period. i.e. 7 Years.
    However, there may be interactions, within that region, which were handled by a specific Virtual Queue which only need to be held for 5 years and within that region there may also be Business Units who only need to retain their interactions for 2 years.
    And, within that Business Unit there may be some access groups who only need their interactions retained for 90 days.
    By setting retention policies at the various levels overall control of interaction retention can be achieved from a macro to micro level.

    Interaction Player

    Screen shot examples

    Playing an interaction